Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Agriculture Revolution in History

Agriculture Revolution in History
Starting about 10,000 years ago, or near 8000 BC, people made the major technological advance of domesticating animals and plants.

The early part of this agriculture Revolution especially in the Middle East is often called the Neolithic Revolution. Similar agricultural Revolutions occurred independently in the Middle East, the Orient, New Guinea, and the Americans.

At one time, historian assumed that the Agricultural Revolution was simply a form of progress. Historian currently hypothesized that people knew how to raise crops and keep animals before the Agricultural Revolution, but were reluctant to do so until either rising population or reduced natural food supplies forced them into agriculture.

This is partly supported by a rise in population preceding the adoption of agriculture as indicated in the archeological record.

Another belief that this largely been discarded is that urban life began as a result of the Agricultural Revolution. Towns were forming before farming became a way of life. The principle purpose of pre-agricultures settlements was trade.

Towns arose at the juncture of trade routes or near supplies of goods that could be traded. Jericho, for example, was founded well before agriculture started.

It is shard to find any evidence of the physical sciences around the time of the Agricultural Revolution except for that discarded by developing technology, such as the introduction do sun-dried bricks and mortar. Major developments of the period following the Agricultural Revolution were largely in astronomy, mathematics and technology.
Agriculture Revolution in History