Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Asher’s Chocolates

Chester A. Asher, a Scottish emigrated from Canada in 1890 and founded the business two years later. His started his candy business in 1892. The factory was in the center city of Philadelphia.

In an effort to capitalize on its popularity, in 1898, the firm relocated to the Germantown section of the city. Asher’s Chocolates remained in Germantown for more than nine decades, expanding over the years to occupy several buildings.

By 1910, he built a three storey brick juice factory juice behind his store and candy production factory.

Chester A. Asher’s four sons ran the company until 1966, when third generation Asher’s John L. Jr. and Robert took over.

The company slowly declined until it was declared to be ’tw0 weeks from bankruptcy’ in 1966. The third generation Asher aggressive sales and production program, the company produced sand sales more than 3.33 million pounds of candy.

By 1997, Asher’s Chocolate generated between $20 million and $25 million in revenues.

In 1998, the company moved its factory, shipping and offices to a new 125,000 square foot facility in Souderton.

Robert and Jack Asher, and great-grandsons David and Jeff Asher, who are cousins, co-own the business today.  Today Asher’s Chocolates employs 250 people, 180 at the Souderton location, who produce 8,000,000 pounds of candy per year.
Asher’s Chocolates