Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Banana in India

Banana plants were cultivated in India from early times. Religious rituals and Sastric tradition describe it as highly auspicious plant, particularly for marriage ceremonies. The leaves and fruits are deposited on doorstep of houses where marriages are taking place.

Banana fruit is considered to be a symbol of fertility and good luck. Its plant is associated with Vishnu and Lakshmi. According to one tradition, the banana is the incarnation of Lakhsmi, the goddess of wealth, beauty and wisdom.

Banana is also the subject of Hindu art. On the Vedic tradition, a banana grove is home to the monkey god Hanuman.

Descriptions of bananas are given in Greek writings on 327 BC in Indus Valley, during the expedition of Alexander the Great in India.

Most botanists believe that bananas were introduced from India to the Middle East and across North American by Arabs. Arabian traders introduced the banana plant into Africa a very early date, perhaps in the seventh century AD. The Portuguese along with the Spanish were instrumental in the worldwide spread of bananas and plantains especially to America.
Banana in India