Sunday, February 14, 2016

History of garlic in cooking

Garlic first grew in central Asia and it is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world.  It was grown by the third millennium BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Today is also grows wild in Italy and southern France.

Many of legends surrounding it have to do with strength, speed and endurance. Like onion, garlic as cultivated in ancient Egypt and it has been grown in European gardens since at least the sixteenth century. Egyptian slaves ate garlic as they built the pyramids.

The Roman legions introduced garlic to many of the peoples they conquered, especially those of Northern Europe.

Dating from 1600-1700 BC, the Yale Babylonian Tablet, represent the earliest known compilation of culinary recipes. The cornerstone of the Mesopotamian diet was the alliaceous plants, onion, leek and garlic.

The culinary home of garlic is southern Europe, and it also figures in folk medicines. It is the main ingredient of Four Thieves Vinegar, a legendry remedy that has been sold in France since the early eighteenth century.
History of garlic in cooking